Dedicado a los Co-Fundadores de OPHIIniciativa de Oxford Pobreza y Desarrollo Humano:Sabina Alkire y John Hammock 1.- Sabiduría Sophia, Sabiduría, viene a nosotrosy gentilmente toma nuestras manos. Con tus manos,puedes contar y numerar cosas. Estrecha manos para hacer amistades,Haz cosas que creen un mejor mundo. Ella posa sus manos en nuestros corazones,Sintiendo el numero que […]
Category Archives: Poems
The Candle Trilogy published in “Untamed Gospel”
Martyn Percy, Dean of Christ Church College, Oxford writes, “It is good to be able to welcome and introduce the poetry of Jamie Coats in this anthology. Jamie is a layperson working for the Society of St John the Evangelist (SSJE) in the United States − an Anglican religious order of brothers. Jamie writes on […]
The Dove
I fly and land where needed, Where Justice finds her heart hurting, And we hold the gods accountable, Opening eyes to her love, To the love of her, God. A Prayer of Oblation (c) Jamie Coats 24th July 2017
Faithful Betrayal – Holy Fire
First of the Trinity Mary God does not Rape Mary. If God had raped Mary Do you think we’d have her joy So magnificently described? God sends Gabriel. He appears as the most Gorgeous of men. She hugs him saying, “You are so beautiful.” Places her head on his chest, Looks up And tentatively They […]
Lit Faithfulness
It’s simpler Than you think No mountains To climb No epiphanies To have No words To preach Just buy a box of Matches It does not matter Who you meet Or what they Believe Each has a candle of Cherished dreams Invite everyone Out of the rain Out of the wind Out of the sun […]
Unlit Betrayal
At the top Is the water source So pure The priest takes A bottle full Puts a stopper in In the valley The church of Bottled water Dispenses Drop by drop Meager blessings Wondering why The children Are missing Is it that they know Water falls In a cascade A torrent For everyone In the […]
“What do you do?” – Sermon on the Widow’s Mite
“What do you do?” Sermon on The Widow’s Mite For Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Little Rock Arkansas By Jamie Coats For Audio click here November 8th 2015 Readings: 1 Kings 17:8-16, Psalm 146, Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark 12:28-44 References: Luke 14:28-30, Mark 12:17 Thank you for inviting me to your beautiful cathedral to reflect on the Widow’s […]
Egg of Light
In the egg of light vision to infinity brilliant white enveloping my entity. In the womb undefiled in the festival of light dances the ecstatic child the dance of the day lit night. Dance of the universe in eternity in its richness of creation multiplicity in unity, enraptured variation embracing invariability, in the crystal instant […]
The Man in the Noon
I rode Pegasus all morn, Could have ridden all day, Instead at noon We gently come in to graze. Emma said the Lord of the Manor Will say unto you, “Work for me You’ll be fed from my dovecote Eggs and young fledglings that coo.” Emma taught me to reply, “You’ll not want me to […]
Speech given at Christ Church Cathedral on Thursday 29th January 2015 at the FORMA Conference The Evensong of Humpty Dumpty By Jamie Coats Humpty Dumpty sat on the harbor wall. In Pigeon Cove Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty back together again! […]