Loitering,I shriek out a striking call Shimmering,I fan out my feathers Warning,I array my eyespots Alarming,I count human bad luck Dazzling, I display my being Winning, I convince her Inspiring, Let’s do something Beautiful together!
Category Archives: Prayer
The Peacock in the Garden
On the Beach
There was a man who had haunting prophetic visions, so bad he looked out to sea and wished he could swim and be swallowed by a whale. But a mermaid appeared and made him laugh and forget and in the forgetting she reminded him of joy, nature and beaches, that “now” can be paradise and […]
Awake to Ukraine
There is a dawn moment when the heavens are blue and the sun creates yellow above the horizon of the sea and you see a blue with a yellow stripe emerging beneath and at that moment we awake to the flag of Ukraine. Please get up in the morning and reflect on the sunrise and […]
The Psalm of Change
Please read like a psalm and pause at each selah (asterisk) * Slowly we breathe, Slowly we breathe Slowly we breathe Slowly we breathe Slowly we breathe, Slowly we breathe, Slowly we breathe, Slowly we breathe, Slowly we breathe, Slowly we breathe, We are the change. I am grateful to Lillie Allen of Be Present […]
Dedicated to the Co-Founders of OPHI Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative: Sabina Alkire & John Hammock (En español haga clic aquí: LAS CANCIONES DE sOPHIa) THE SONGS OF sOPHIa Wisdom Sophia, wisdom, she comes to us * And gently holds our hands. With your hands * Count and number things, Shake hands to make friends, […]
The Dove
I fly and land where needed, Where Justice finds her heart hurting, And we hold the gods accountable, Opening eyes to her love, To the love of her, God. A Prayer of Oblation (c) Jamie Coats 24th July 2017
Lit Faithfulness
It’s simpler Than you think No mountains To climb No epiphanies To have No words To preach Just buy a box of Matches It does not matter Who you meet Or what they Believe Each has a candle of Cherished dreams Invite everyone Out of the rain Out of the wind Out of the sun […]
Egg of Light
In the egg of light vision to infinity brilliant white enveloping my entity. In the womb undefiled in the festival of light dances the ecstatic child the dance of the day lit night. Dance of the universe in eternity in its richness of creation multiplicity in unity, enraptured variation embracing invariability, in the crystal instant […]
The Man in the Noon
I rode Pegasus all morn, Could have ridden all day, Instead at noon We gently come in to graze. Emma said the Lord of the Manor Will say unto you, “Work for me You’ll be fed from my dovecote Eggs and young fledglings that coo.” Emma taught me to reply, “You’ll not want me to […]
Speech given at Christ Church Cathedral on Thursday 29th January 2015 at the FORMA Conference http://episcoforma.org/forma-annual-conference The Evensong of Humpty Dumpty By Jamie Coats Humpty Dumpty sat on the harbor wall. In Pigeon Cove Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty back together again! […]