Egg of Light

In the egg of light
vision to infinity
brilliant white
enveloping my entity.

In the womb undefiled
in the festival of light
dances the ecstatic child
the dance of the day lit night.

Dance of the universe in eternity
in its richness of creation
multiplicity in unity,
enraptured variation

embracing invariability,
in the crystal instant
entirety of reality,
dazzling the infant

with prismatic being
double rainbow
seven colors of seeing,
light of halo.

Child eyes bright
at the clear clouded gem
paradox of delight
tears lighting them.

Blaze of realization.
Thoughts, sparks of light
ignite with no meditation
searing holes of right

thro’ walls of reason,
empowering the symbol
of light to emblazon
the way to be humble.

Beyond all image
no understanding
joy of knowledge
totally unending

The poem was originally titled Friday 24th July 1987

Jamie Coats

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