Stations of the Christ – Vision 3: The Keys to Heaven

I stand. I am at the beach, on the shoreline and the water laps against my feet. As the coldness touches me I ask, “Whom do I give service to today? How am I to wash the feet of others?” I look at the sea and in the distance on the horizon I see a small circular island and a silver pinnacle rises out of the middle of the island.

I walk; the water rises to my knees, to my genitals, to my heart, to my chest as I push out into the sea. The island is a long way away and there is a thunderstorm. I am swimming. I am worried that I have a long way to swim to the island with the pinnacle. When I turn round and look back even the land has gone and I am in the middle of the sea. I fear of storms but part of me does not worry. I stop swimming and I know that I am not going to drown. The sea carries me out and away until I am in a place where I can see nothing in the distance, all around is just sea. I wonder, “Will I panic? Will I drown?” I let go and I lie floating on my back.

The night passes at sea and morning comes up with clouds. The current bears me inexorably towards to the island of the silver pinnacle. I can now see it has a gold staircase that reaches all the way up to God.

Funny, along comes a very small-wooden-fishing-sailing-boat with nets. On board is Jesus with Peter and another man. Peter and the other man pull me aboard. They say to Jesus, “Look what we’ve caught.” Jesus says, “Throw him overboard if you know not what you’ve caught.” Peter moves to throw me overboard. I lie still and Jesus laughs and says, “Don’t throw him overboard. Know what you’ve caught!” Peter looks quizzically at Jesus, who says, “Fool! He is from a different land and generation. I put a key around your neck. You are not meant to wear it for your own edification. Take it off and hand it to the man. Give it to him.” Peter hands me the key. I put it around my neck. I roll over board and swim, as if I am a seal, to arrive at the shore of the island of the silver pinnacle with the stairway of gold to God.

There on the beach is a group of women. I have a sense that one is Mary Magdalene and the others are women apostles too. They help me up. Someone gives me a towel as I walk up the beach. They say, “I see Christ handed you the key as he did to us too.” We look at each other and burst out laughing. “Poor Peter,” we say. “He thinks he is the only one who holds the key to this day.” We laugh.

We walk towards the silver pinnacle that must be a hundred thousand feet high, with the golden staircase all the way reaching up into the sky, out to the highest atmosphere. I ask, “Where am I?” The women reply, “You are still at your feet.” I keep thinking, “Thousands of feet to climb the stairway to God in the sky. It seems incredibly high and I worry that if I climb I will fall or fail to pass through the right places.” We arrive at the base of the silver pinnacle. We each take the large golden key that dangles round our necks and hold it in our hands as we surround the base. A woman appears in front of us, Mary, the Mother of God. She holds a red cushion and says, “Place the keys on the cushion.”

Mary says to us, “To use the keys to heaven you must release from the flesh all your being.” Up to each of us a naked person walks. We anoint them on the head, put a word of God on their lips, hold our hands over their hearts until their hearts radiate with the love of God, we gently touch their stomachs to sooth the place of pain or to nourish the new unborn babe and as we look at the place of their genitals we pause.

The person in front of us is the sex most attractive to us, attraction of the flesh is felt and at that moment the person morphs to the opposite sex and we feel uncomfortable, even revulsion, self hate, as we have imagined sex with them. And Mary says, “If you hold any hate inside you about your sexuality or hate these people in front of you for their sexual activity you will hold hate before God the Father. Your attraction and revulsion is to the flesh and not to God, if you can not let go of both before God the Father you know what his wrath will do to you.”

From the top of the silver pinnacle the words of Christ boom and echo down, “I am love and present to everything. Unless I am present in your sexual energy as it resides within you, you will experience sin of attachment to the flesh. You look on some with tingling lust and others, who have sex unlike you, with quivering revulsion. If you cannot step through the flesh gripping you and stop it spewing lust or hate you will poison the love that I give you and the keys that Mary holds for you will not unlock the gates to Heaven.”

A sense of peace pervades us all. We bow before the people in front of us and wash their feet.  The people merge into us and we now stand on our own. A sense of communion is what grips us now.

Mary hands us back the keys. The angels begin to pour down the golden staircase. They are everywhere around us. They raise trumpets and blast out a glory to God. Jesus appears at the very top and begins to walk down. All the angels sing the glory of God. As he walks down a gold beam of light shines down the stairway obscuring his presence and the light strikes the ground and us. The beam of light coming straight from heaven illuminates us.

A voice says, “This is my son the Beloved and you are Beloved too. Out of the Virgin Void came God. Out of the Virgin Void came God, then light. Out of light came the Virgin Womb, the Egg of Light. Out of the Egg of Light came you. The light will lead you back up into the heart of God and up into the Virgin Void. You will feel the cleansing of your sins in the wrath of God as you enter into the unity of the beginning of creation, the ultimate of holding all God and entity.” With these words the angels blow a blast on their trumpets and the pinnacle that was in front of us becomes a huge door. The golden stairway turns to a shaft of golden light that is the opening between two silver doors moving apart that stretch from the ground to heaven. The doors pull apart, a path straight out ahead appears and a voice says, “With Christ in your hearts, the key of heaven, and with the clarity of mind to reflect the light of God from above, walk forth into the world to proclaim the joy of Christ, of God and of the beginning.” We kneel down and bow. The keys of heaven absorb into our hearts. We shudder at the moment.

As we lift our heads we realize that we are all blind. The beam of light has left us blind. We hear a voice, “You do not need to see. In the darkness of your Void hear the beginning of creation as the spirit is born in every person. Do not imagine. Do not hope. You will behold every person held up against God and God held up against the Virgin Void. The beginning will begin with God in them igniting their creation and bursting into love and love will burst out of them to you.” And night came and with morning I could see again but know I can see further when blind.

I stand on the beach with the key to Heaven around my neck with the women apostles each with a key around their necks. We stand at the base of the silver pinnacle that stretches all the way up into space with the golden staircase. We look all the way up into Heaven and we see beyond the top of the pinnacle in the sky Jesus, the Risen Christ. Behind Christ is the fireball of the Sun, the energy of God the Father, and pure love. Behind we know is the Void holding all of us, the potential to begin. Angels flow up and down the golden staircase. We fear the love as much as it loves us too. Jesus begins to descend the staircase towards us. Angels take up positions, one on either side of each step on the staircase from top to bottom. Angels fan out at regular intervals around the base of the pinnacle. All lift up trumpets and blast a glory to God. Saints gather behind Jesus and proceed down after him. A glorious procession descends the pinnacle celebrating the grace of God. We remain standing, excited, fearful and anxious.

Finally at the base of the steps Christ appears, simply dressed in white robes. He walks towards us. We immediately kneel, bow our heads, and prostrate on the ground. There is silence. Jesus comes up to us. He begs us to all rise but we get up only on our knees. He says, “I bring you the ultimate surprise; Nothing holds everything; Nothing begets God, begets love, begets you.” He touches our foreheads and we shake with the Holy Spirit. Silver light flows down our spines connecting out to our toes. Rich orange light of the warmth of the love of God fills into our flesh and bodies.

As we kneel on the beach we are holding silver swords with a gold line down them as if they are each the silver pinnacle with the gold staircase running down it. Jesus says, “With these swords, of striking love, you will cleave open people from top to toe so that their souls maybe free to connect through me to God and to the Void. And know that to do this you need Nothing. No claims of power, no claims of authority, no attachment, Nothing. When you are present with Nothing for another person then God will be present, then love, then the creation will begin and their soul will rise and rise and rise. Tell everyone that it is Nothing you can give them because it is in them that they will rise. You are my apostles.” At that moment our bodies fall away and we are just souls. We have no body, no gender, just souls.

Jesus says, “Now be clothed in the humans that you are given.” Our bodies return around us. He says, “Know this! It is the soul that begets the body and not the other way round. Stand up! Behind you I assign an angel to each one of you. Sheath your swords. Keep your minds clear and know that each one of you has the key to the kingdom of heaven in your hearts. Remember that your authority is out of Nothing. You will blaze a way and it will be for the celebration of God. You do not need to see the future nor the path in front of you because out of Nothing comes your authority. You can be blind because it is all now.” We shake as the spirit reverberates in us.

I say, “How can we trust?” and Jesus replies, “Remember, look at your feet and just take one step. The footprints that you leave will leave a cross on the ground. Take another step. Where you tread does not matter because your footprints all lead to God, they will lead to the staircase to heaven. Without your footprints how will others be able to follow to find the staircase to heaven that is here?” He waves his arm and points to the base of the staircase to heaven reaching up the silver pinnacle to the sky with an angel on every step singing the glory of God. “Take a step, a step, a step in my name. Lead the people to God.” So slowly we all look down and place one foot in front of the other. Sure enough each step we take leaves an imprint of a cross on the ground. Where we walk and where ever we go it does not matter because all our footsteps lead to the golden staircase to God. At each step we do nothing, because without need Nothing gives birth to God and to the love that begets us all.

Suddenly we begin to dance with joy. We begin to create lots of footsteps everywhere as we dance in circles and for miles and we jump in the air and create footprints even in the sky. Celebration bursts through us all and we need nothing and leave footprints to God wherever we go.


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Stations of the Christ – Vision 2: In Boots, Behold God!

[Points of Consciousness in Square Brackets]

[Feet] It is a bright clear day. I am standing at the bottom of the mountain on a gently sloping grass plain, looking out across a landscape and then up into the hills, and then further up to the high mountain peek.

I say to myself, “Wow! It is going to be a long way to walk to get to the mountain and to climb it.” I feel good. I feel hearty. I have provisions with me. I am wearing hiking gear. My feet are on the ground.

I pause and say, “What is the service that I am to do? I will walk the valleys, climb the hills, get into the mountains, climb to the summit of the highest peak and rise above. The service is to come back and to feel just as good as this moment.” I have a smile in my voice and a sense of joy in knowing my ability to go up and come back. I feel a sense of wonder and openness in not knowing what I will bring back. There is always the possibility I will never come back. But it is the intention to return and to serve; to plant ones feet on the ground in the valley and to bring down to the valley the exaltation of God in the moment, in the blade of grass, in the people around. [feet]

I set off.

[Genitals] I walk and come to a large long trestle table set up in the middle of a field, in the middle of a wonderful, beautiful green landscape. People arrive and sit on the benches. There is a huge banquet picnic, informal, very good-natured going on. There is Jesus Christ sitting in the middle, breaking bread.

I pause, perplexed and then laugh because there is everybody there, everybody you’d love and hate: all colors and all nations, all types and all strains of people. People you’d never think would be there are there. People you dislike, people you love. There are good people and not so good people. Jesus is breaking bread with all of them. It is the most wonderful time.

I sit opposite Jesus on a wooden bench. Jesus looks up and says, “Take, eat this bread and drink this cup of wine, my flesh and blood. And by the way, look up and down the table, and enjoy the new apostles of today, not quite the ones you remember of the New Testament.” I say, “Much more racially balanced and more women than was said to be present in the past.” Jesus roars with laughter, and says, “Ah! That was merely what was written. Not how I lived on the earth. Now you know the next stage is difficult. It always is. But take a little bread and take a little wine by dipping the bread in it and put it in a pouch and carry it with you so even when you are further up the mountain you will enjoy remembering the communion with the apostles down here. Bring all back something good too.”

I get up to leave. Just as I am about to leave Jesus says, “I know at the beginning of your journey you got a nice pair of boots which I prepared for you. Remember, I always worship at your feet before you start out.” I look down and see that I am wearing the most wonderful boots for climbing. There is something magical about them too. They can sprout wings, golden. “Wow!” I say as I realize the little wings can turn me into an angel if I need to fly around. I smile. I turn to Jesus and say, “Jesus, you never lose a chance to humble me, do you?” He laughs. I laugh. [genitals]

I set off.

[Stomach] Time is now more somber. I am visiting the latest disaster, the murder and mayhem in Madrid, which happened this day on earth. People blown out of trains and killed. I cry. I cry. There before me is the cross with Jesus dieing. I see the pit of despair. I see people cursing God, “Why have you allowed this? Why have you done this?” Jesus dies and in that moment we are all forsaken.

Before me I see a deep wide trench a hundred feet across and thirty feet deep. It is full of dead, mangled bodies. I see an image of myself murdering a woman and I see myself as a baby being murdered by a mother. There are the remnants of a broken bridge across the trench.

On the far side of the trench is dark foreboding landscape. In the middle of the landscape, standing alone is a black-nailed-shut-wooden door. At the moment Jesus dies on the cross a tiny hole appears in the center of the door in the shape of a cross. Radiant light is burning the hole from the backside of the door. The light of the Risen Christ begins to glow through. The light burns the hole larger every second and the door begins to disintegrate.
I climb down into the trench of death and wretch at the smell of rotting flesh. Memories of holocausts, terror and the full horror of man surround me. I know that my sins contributed to the horror and that I experience the horror as a victim too. I walk through the dead and a path clears to the doorway. The door is gone; there is just an open doorway of light. The dead around me stand up renewed. The light blazes through the door and absolves us all. The murderers cower, cringe and fall back. Some ask for forgiveness and are forgiven. I cry out, “I do not know how you, Christ, can do that.” But others shrivel and burn and disintegrate into little pieces. [stomach]

I walk through the doorway.

[Heart] I am in the circle of the heart, of the love of Christ. I pause to savor the huge warmth and joy. There are thousands of people thronging the circular piazza. The angels are there too.

An angel comes to me and says, “Come, greet all the people who have ever lived and all the people who are alive. Here in this place is their love and their expression of it. The combined love of all people. Everybody has a part of them that is love. It is there for us all. It is the richest power that exists in the universe and it is inherent in human nature. Animals have it too as they care for their own. This caring is the greatest resource in the world. From the heart we have love and it makes a pulse.  The heart beat of every human who has lived and is alive beats together to the pulse of the universe. All love and caring and life is here.”

There are people that I meet who I had always seen as unhappy and the angel says, “But there was always a happy part of them. A part of love, a place from the heart.”

There is Jesus in the middle, standing dressed simply in white robes. The light of God shines directly down on him and his total self rests in the heart of the universe, God. From Jesus radiates out a love from his heart, his self into us and into me. His love is so strong that it absorbs into me and my heart radiates his love to the people around and their hearts radiate too and too and too. All around our hearts are radiating the love because we love God with all our life. We bathe ourselves in the love and it radiates out. Jesus smiles and laughs and says, “It is perfectly human too.” [heart]

I leave and walk on to the place of the mount where sermons are given.

[Throat] Jesus is standing there – doing a handstand! He is talking to everybody doing a handstand! I am perplexed. He gets off the hand-stand and stands up and turns to me and I say, “What is all that about?” He says, “Some people were too far away to hear but I wanted to make it clear that I would turn their world upside down by the clarity of words. That is what I came to do. As they could not hear me I let them see me doing a handstand.” I laugh. “Yes,” he says, “You laugh too.” He admonishes me, “But turning the world upside down is disturbing as well. Sit!” So I sit.

Jesus says, “Let’s talk quietly. You are born of a different age and have come into a world of much difference. I have sent you disciples to teach you about the word, including the middle school teacher in Quincy, Massachusetts, Ron Adams and others too. So remember there is not much to say. Say it well, say it clearly and if you need to say it standing on your head do so because that is what the word will do to people. Do not be frightened that this is the message. The love of God is so powerful and people want to feel it. When it touches them they enjoy that it turns their worlds upside down. Of course those who have not yet opened their eyes are disconcerted and may resist. But speak gently and speak clearly and speak of the love of God and be off with you up the mountain, you go.” And I go. As I leave I notice Jesus practicing his cartwheels. I laugh. I walk. The mountain seems steep, rocky. [throat]

I begin to climb.

[Head] The mountain has never seemed so hard. I climb and get to a ridge. There is a cave and I climb in. It is cold and I sit, cold and miserable. I have my nice boots on. My boots which when I want them to can turn gold and sprout wings. I am thinking, “Why am I climbing up here, why not use the boots? Where is the church on the top of the mountain? Which way to go?”

I hear a woman’s voice, it is the voice of Mary, the Mother of God. She is up above me in an area where it is green and I hear her say, “Oh Man! Oh Man! Why have you climbed up the hard way?” Some steps appear outside the cave that curve up around the mountainside to a place a hundred feet above where Mary is sitting in a garden of beautiful roses. The garden is low-walled and is like an out door church.  From the garden we can look out across the plains below. She says, “Welcome, welcome. Come enjoy. Smell the roses.” They are wonderfully fragrant. She says, looking slightly exasperated, “Trying to achieve again? Mountain climbing. Did you not notice that Jesus gave you boots that fly if you wish? You actually climbed up the mountain as if you were some form of superman?” I say, “Excuse me, if I had used the boots I would have been a superman. I came up the hard way like a human.” She laughs and says, “Come! Let us worship God.” At this point a path appears at the end of the rose garden that leads up to the top of the mountain.

We walk up to the very top of the mountain. She says, “Well you know if you read your scripture right when you step off the top of the mountain you will step into my womb but actually you will step into the womb of the whole universe.” We stand on the top of the mountain, it is like being at the top of Everest but in this case there are no surrounding mountains so we can see across the land. She says, “We are at the pinnacle.” It is pretty amazing. But she says, “You do know that you must follow what is alive, alive in each person and know that I will leave you when you step off the mountain because I am of a story book and what you are stepping into is the virgin womb of the universe. Think Man what this means. You enter the womb of the one who holds my son, Jesus and God as Father too. I know that when you met my son, Jesus, before in the beyond and God the Father began to appear from behind Jesus, you were frightened that you were going to die. But know that even God the Father is held. Know that as you step off the mountain where you will step. I will be gone.” [head]

I stand on the top of the mountain.

[Crown] The light encloses around me and I am in an egg of light. I spin around, up side down and back again as if there is no gravity. I am held and I am thinking, “Christ! I am in the womb, the womb of who? Who is this mother that I am in and into what world will I be born?” The egg opens like a flower. The petals fold away and disappear.  [crown]

I am standing in space.

[Beyond] I look out into the universe. Jesus appears, the Risen Christ and says, “And here is the whole universe in motion everywhere.” He takes my hand and for the first time begins to lead me away out into the universe. He says, “Be reassured we will bring you back fully.” But I say, “But if I see God the Father I will die.” He says “You’re dead already and alive so don’t worry.” I ask, “You’re not bringing me to God the Father?” He laughs and says, “Didn’t my mother, Mary, tell you that even God the Father is held by the one whose womb you are in?” We walk towards the Sun. A fireball explodes towards me, the full wrath of God the Father. I feel a blinding burning sensation and fear that my flesh is going to burn off. Jesus says, “Do not fear, it will burn the sin from you. But if you are holding a sinful moment within you it will burn you and rip into your flesh. For this moment I bless you and hold you. And yes I know you are a worthless sinner and all that stuff but in this moment experience the wrath of God.”

We walk into the Sun and the blinding fire, an extraordinary orange of heat. “Can you imagine,” says Jesus, “If you were holding onto a sin and this heat hit. Imagine what it will do to you.” I look out across the universe and there are filaments and fragments, disintegrated souls of no coherence. Jesus says, “Destroyed by the wrath of unity.”  I turn to him and say nervously, “I must return.” I pull away from him, a sense of fear and needing to return pervades. Jesus points to my feet and says, “Remember those boots that I gave you at the beginning? They are holding you to the ground this very moment. They are the special gift that I gave you. You thought you blew out through the top of your head? Didn’t you? But you didn’t because I was holding you with special boots all along.” I pause, look down and laugh. “It is true.” My feet are still on the ground. I ask, “How can you do this?” Jesus laughs and says, “That is for another time. Now I think it is time for you to return and do it carefully in steps. You will arrive back on the mountaintop.” [beyond]

At these words I am back on the mountaintop.

[Head] Mary is there and says, “How was my son?” I reply, “Quite a man. Took me to see God the Father, scary but Jesus was holding my feet to the ground.” “Ah yes,” she says, “He has a sense of humor too.” So we walk down an amazing golden staircase that stretches straight down the mountain. Part way down Mary says. “I will leave you here. It will be safe for you to walk down alone from now on to the next place.” [head]

I walk on down alone.

[Throat] People come up to me and ask, “What was it like?” I reply, “Well if you keep your feet on the ground it is pretty amazing and scary too. Time to try and live a good life I think.” I reflect, “I need to get my thoughts in order.” [throat]

I walk down further to the place of the heart, the circular piazza.

[Heart] In the circle of the heart it is quiet. It is evening time. There is real warmth and a sense of happiness in the air. I greet people and they wish me a good night and I know I will have good dreams. A sense of love, joy and general pleasantness pervades me. [heart]

I walk on to the pit of despair.

[Stomach] I kneel before the cross and say, “Jesus, I would have died before God the Father if you had not died for me. I understand what this forgiveness means.” [stomach]

I walk to the place of the picnic banquet table.

[Genitals] I am in the place of communion. It is night. Everyone except Jesus is asleep, who is sitting alone at the table. There is a candle on the table that illuminates his face. He says, “Sit.” I sit down and take out the pouch that contains bread dipped in wine and I eat it. And he says, “These are all good people. There are good people everywhere, through the spirit of communion commune with them all. Like you, they are all graced by God. Enjoy their fellowship and remember to break bread as I have always done.” I smile and I thank him. [genitals]

Finally I walk to the bottom of the mountain.

[Feet] I arrive at a simple wooden hut where I had put on my magical boots that helped me walk the mountain and helped me survive out in the beyond in the face of God the Father. I take them off and there is the man who looks after them and the footlockers. It is Jesus. I rented the boots off him but I did not recognize him when I started out. I say, “How come you are always looking after me and my service.” He says “You like the boots?” I reply, “I love the boots.” He says “Go fit some nice boots on other people. Good night and God bless, sleep well and learn the lessons of today.”[feet]


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Stations of the Christ – Vision 1: Christ Reigns

Dear Jesus Christ,

I stand at my feet and feel them on the ground. I look up and rising up above me is my body, a mountain. I begin to walk up the mountain, up my legs, until I arrive at the place of procreation, the genitals, the place of sexuality. I look up again and walk to the place of the stomach, the pit of fear, the point of despair. I look up and walk up to the place of the heart.  I look up and walk to the throat, the place of the voice. I walk up and arrive at my head, the top of the mountain. A church appears. Its steps are in the place of my throat. I walk in. Above the altar is a stained glass window depicting Jesus loving the children, like the window at the Church of Our Saviour, Arlington, Massachusetts. The stained glass window dissolves into a wall of white light. I step into the light, into the egg of light, the place of the virgin birth, the crown of my head. The top of the egg begins to open like a lotus with a thousand petals unfolding. I looked out beyond and there is the whole universe in motion.

Coming towards me across the cosmos is the Risen Christ, you. I feel all the love, nurturing and wonder of the universe flowing into me through you.  Massed along side you I see all the hordes of angels and seraphims gathering. I remain half in the egg of light with my head sticking out and looking up. The egg of light grows into a larger place, an opening of light where the universe connects to me. I step to one side and the angels begin to pour into the egg of light and down into my body, where they take up positions in ordained places.

You arrive and stand beside me. You take my hand gently and say, “Walk with me.” Together we walk down into the church, my head. Angels fill the pews and begin to sing the glory of God. You turn and kneel in the middle of the church facing the light and speak the words you spoke in the Garden of Gethsemane on the eve of your unification with God. You pray to God.

You turn and walk out of the Church and stand on the steps of the Church, my throat, the place of voice. There you speak the words of the Beatitudes:

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

And I hear the words of John spoken by an angel, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God.”

Then you say, “Come, walk with me.” We walk down to the place of the heart, a circular beautiful piazza. In the middle of the space is a throne. In the circle around, many rows deep angels throng, dancing and singing for joy as you are enthroned on the throne of the right hand of God in the center of my heart. I come before you. I kneel and prostrate myself before you and you say, “Arise and love God with all your heart, soul, and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself.”

You get up and walk down to a place of the stomach, the place of the cross, next to the pit of despair. You are crucified on the cross and all my despair flows out of the pit and onto you. You cry out, “My God, My God why have you forsaken me?” At that point my agonies are no more. You die taking my despair with you. All my agonies and worries are absorbed and absolved by you. The cross turns golden and a beam of light coming from the Risen Christ connects from heaven above to the cross below.

We walk to the place of the genitals, the place of the Last Supper, the place of communion. You break the bread and you give your flesh and body as a spiritual communion that unites all people and reunites the spirit from generation to generation from now to eternity.

We walk down to my feet and into the world. I see you washing my feet and I am humbled beyond all humbling and know that I am commanded by you to wash the feet of others forever.

From that moment onward I know that when I wake up in the morning you will wash my feet, break bread for me, die for me, love for me, speak for me, pray to God for me, and you will rise again for me to give the everlasting love of life to me everyday. I know you will serve, share, forgive, love, speak, pray and know me as I born of God and ask of me the same.

Again, I am in the egg of light, the crown of my head. Jesus, you appear before me like a normal man. I kneel and you anoint me on the forehead and you say to me “Do your life in memory of me.” I cry. My tears pour down into my body. Where my tears touch the parched ground the earth blossoms into green and flowers sprout everywhere. An enormous sense of joy fills me. A joy of the world, a dance, the ability to see the light of Christ in each person, every which way I turn I see the joy of the Risen Christ flowing in people. In all their lives and all their beings I see their goodness and I love them all. My friends and enemies, I wash their feet and humbly submit my life to the love of Christ and it directs me in all times, all places and all spaces.

In the Church, my head, Christ turns and says, “Now you too will read the scriptures, and you will read into the scripture the work of the living so their worship may be sanctified in my name.” We walk out to the steps of the Church, my throat, and you say, “You will write words of the Spirit to give unto others.” In the place of the heart you say, “You will serve by reaching out and touching from the heart.” In the place of the crucifix, my stomach, you drop blood on my chest and say, “You will wear a red cross.” In the place of communion, my genitals you say, “You will give bread and wine.” In the place of the feet you say, “You will wash the feet of others.”

I rise up out of my body, beyond the egg of light and I see the face of Jesus, your face, and all the loving, nurturing power of God pulses into me. You begin to move aside and the presence of God as the Father, a light so blinding and terrifying begins to emerge from behind you and appear around one side of you. I quake with total fear because I know that if I see God as Father I am dead and a voice cries out, “You are Dead. You are Alive. Understand that the two are joined and they are joined in you forever more. No more fear because every person is chosen. Some do not wake to realize their cause. Love them all.” I turn before I can see God as Father and I watch as the angels pour down through into me and out to places on the planet.

And the angels say to me, “You are a gateway for us. You will give people angels; little words — aphorisms and epithets — that will spin out of you into their hearts and out to go throughout the world. But stay close to town because it begins around you, nowhere else.”

Again, I am in the egg of light, the crown of my head, the place of the virgin birth, Jesus you appear. You anoint me on the forehead and take me down to the Church, my head. You pray to God and walk out of the church to the steps, my throat and you say, “Love in the deepest sense that comes from God and know that it is the calling of every person to love all with the might of their self, as their self rests in the heart of God. So the love that they can give is mightier than they know. Go, look into your neighbor’s eyes and love the light and love the darkness too. Go to the place of the heart and to the people and say to them, “You have the power to inspirit the parable that is you. In turn, turn and inspirit the person next to you.” Tell them, “All your parables together, inspirited with the love of God and the fellowship of the living humans around, will build the world that you are looking for.””

The angels say, “Do not underestimate that there will be other forces at work. You will walk in the place of the cross, your stomach. The writhing agony of Jesus in his last hours will absorb all the pain and suffering you feel, all the despair, all the dark days and he will die on the cross for you. And the cross will become silver and then gold and then the light of the risen Christ will reflect in it and you will see the suffering melt into love.”

“Walk to the place of community, the genitals. It is the communion of the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ that is the real communion. Do not be deceived that sexuality is the real communion. People are only alive in the communion of Christ. When it comes to claims of marriage the only question that matters is, “Do these two people standing here, stand with the communion of Christ, so through his love they be joined in body and flesh and blood and love?””

“Remember Christ washes your feet. The only Son of God was sent to wash your feet. Do not forget who holds your feet to the ground. Gravity is the servant love of Christ that holds your feet to the ground. Remember this, as you turn to your neighbors to serve them and to respect them where they touch the ground.”

The angels say, “Now come, rest in the body that you have been given and the relationships that you have received. Go to sleep this night and know that in every moment of sleep we are working, reorganizing your life so that you may serve the One God.”


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Stations of the Christ – Introduction

The Stations of the Christ is a transcription of eight visionary experiences that I had during Lent 2004. The backdrop to these experiences is that I am a member of the congregation of the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour, Arlington, Massachusetts. Our rector is the Reverend Linda Fisher-Privitera. The Church is a vibrant community and a place of profound faith and deep inquiry.

During Lent 2004 Karen King, the Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Harvard University, gave seminars at the church for members of the congregation on the Gospel of Mary of Magdala, a second century text that Karen translated from the original Coptic and Greek. The text shows that early Christianity was much more diverse and rich than had been previously known. Importantly the text reveals that women’s role in the early Church and the role of individual spirituality was much stronger and central to early Christianity than later orthodoxy would have us believe.

I offer these visions that make up The Stations of the Christ as a restorative and unifying work on re-integrating the role of the sacred feminine, women and individual spirituality in Christianity and as a reaffirmation of the importance of Jesus Christ, his life, teachings and resurrection.

The inspiration for the name The Stations of the Christ as the title for this work came from Karen when we were having a discussion during our Sunday service about Mel Gibson’s film the Passion of Christ. Karen reminded us that Christianity is about all the facets of Jesus’ life and resurrection combined and that we needed to keep this in mind and not just focus on one piece. So instead of focusing on the Stations of the Cross for Lent I set out to understand what the Stations of all Christ’s life and teaching might be if they were fully embodied in our daily lives. At one level this was a conscious inquiry but at another level I trusted that if I opened myself to connecting with the divine, that is in all of us, within a deeply spiritual, grounded and supportive Christian community then the answers would just come to me or be given to me.

Our rector Linda suggested that I attend a small group meeting during Lent titled a “Lenten Journey with Jesus” that would take place on each Wednesday of Lent. The meetings were organized and led by an Episcopal Divinity School student Carol Brorsen. There were five of us in this small group including Carol. I was the only man in the group.

Carol gave us a reading and writing homework assignment each week. The first assignment was to write a letter to Jesus Christ. I approached this assignment by doing a meditation that I have developed. As I meditated I dictated the vision or experience that came to me in words as best as words allow and then afterwards I transcribed the tape.

Typically a vision will last between twenty and thirty minutes and result in one chapter delivered in a near-continuous flow. I have made only minor edits to clarify some areas where the vision was so intense that even words in the moment failed to convey the experience. The visions were not just experienced as images but were felt in the body. In the first two visions I have added notes to indicate where my consciousness was “felt” at particular points in the vision.

These visions are my experience of attempting to connect with the divine. They are not “The Truth” nor do they posses any great meaning unless they speak to what is meaningful in you.

They are my gift to you.  Please pass them on to others if the spirit moves you.

Thank you.

My best wishes to you in your exploration of your own insight and Christianity.

Jamie Coats
Arlington, Massachusetts, USA
Lent 2004

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