Hit by a Bus Haiku

I am, roadside down
Hit by a bus out biking,
Tears, loving my child

Jamie Coats     August 2009

On July 31, 2009 I was hit by a bus while bicycling to work. As I lay on the ground an apparition of my daughter appeared before me.

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Primo Levi

Primo Levi dared to face memories
Most of us would bury.
He looked into the face of Hell
And brought it to the surface
For all to see, once and for all.

Wherever he looked
Wherever he went
He carried Satan’s image
To warn us.

He was brave enough to live with the Devil
To expose him
To protect us.

We did not recognize him.
Let us forget.
Bury it.
Hide it.
Anything but remember.

We did not hold his hand
Give him the love
The love of humanity.

He said goodbye.

Jamie Coats     August 1987

On April 11, 1987 42 years after being rescued from Auschwitz Primo Levi fell to his death in the stair-well of the Turin apartment building where he was born and lived.

In August 1987 I met Primo Levi’s sister at a dinner party. She did not mention her brother but I left the party feeling grief-stricken. I read a number of his works and wrote this poem.

On April 11, 2010 my sister Emma was admitted to the John Radcliffe Hospital trauma unit following a fall. I think she would have have understood this poem.

Posted in For Sister Emma, Horror & Terror, Poems, Portrait Poem | Comments closed


We all have tragedy.
Will it hold us
And we pass it on

Or can we let
Our friends hold us
So hold our own tragedy
And then let it like ash

Spread into the stream
Returning to the cycle
Of a greater love
And experience wonder?

Part One of the Grief & Wonder Trilogy: Wonder? Wonder, Wonderful

Jamie Coats    February 2011

Posted in For Sister Emma, Grief & Wonder, Poems | Comments closed

Wonder, Wonder, Bounding Tiger

Awoke to find a tiger
By my bedside.

“Resolve to pray your day
I’m from your sister.

I am here to give you courage
No fear you need to have.”

“At night you sleep well?” she asks
“I fear what lies under my bed,” comes my reply.

She nuzzles me, says,
“My eyes catch demon lines

In the swirling dark underneath.
I catch and hold them tight.

By morn I know their names
They no longer need to know mine.

They turn to ash,
Added stripes on my back.

Come! Bound through meadow
Come! Bound to the stream.

Plunge to the middle,
The sun will sparkle on the water.

Let their tragedy wash out to sea.
Wonder at the cycle of nature.

On the river bank there are
Sisters and brothers,

A whole church of friends
Whose prayers call for the

Beauty of the land.
Once parched, now green.

Weeping restores life.
Now rest by the stream.”

I lie against her rich soft fur
She grooms herself.

She talks of her feisty cubs,
Her fierce love for them.

Up she gets and I experience life’s
Wonder, wonder, bounding tiger.

Theme for 2011

Part Two of the Grief & Wonder Trilogy: Wonder? Wonder, Wonderful

Jamie Coats    February 2011

Posted in For Sister Emma, Grief & Wonder, Nature, Poems, Theme for 2011, Theme for the Year | Comments closed


There is nothing more wonderful
Than to have ones way
Blocked by an angel,
Holding a gift from God
A practice when received
Let’s us feel God’s love.

We bump into the angel.
“Get out of my way”
But the angel does not move
If we fight we lose like Jacob
If we turn the angel moves around.

Fear comes to attack
But sees a man confronted by an angel
Receiving a gift from God.
Fear can not confront
As the angel is in the way
And its wings wrap the man in love.

He lets the angel
Place his broken heart
In a nest of feathered love
Where broken pieces come
To lie and heal
To rest in wonder,

And the Angel says,
“Know in your church of friends
You can place your hurt heart on the altar
And know there will be no hole in your chest
But a space filled with the heart
That God gave Jesus.”

Part Three of the Grief & Wonder Trilogy: Wonder? Wonder, Wonderful

Jamie Coats      March 2011

Posted in Grief & Wonder, Poems | Comments closed

Rules of the Heart

  1. Breathe in God’s Love.
  2. Stop, part your time to make space for God.
  3. Say out loud “I love you” to the names of friends & foes.
  4. Humbly ask for God’s help & the help of all around.
  5. Know nothing; listen deeply for God’s joy in all.
  6. Shake & shudder to let go of physical attachments, feel God’s spirit flow.
  7. Die well; accept each day to sleep in God’s peace

Jamie Coats                October 2005

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The Nest

Nests are homes
Made of scraps;
Discarded pieces
Of other lives
Woven into love.

Jamie Coats                                       June 2004

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Wild Flowers & Butterflies

The love of God
Is like a butterfly
That reminds us
That we are as
Beautiful as flowers
And in our darkest heart
Is the love giving
Nectar of life.

Jamie Coats                                       January 2008

Posted in Nature, Poems, Prayer | Comments closed

My Daily Prayer

“Ride out!
With gentle voice.
In name of Christ,
celebrate a whole life
with no dichotomy,
a riot of visual imagery,
to open eyes, to spiritualize.”

Jamie Coats       January 7th 2004

Posted in Poems, Prayer | Comments closed

Polish the Tortoise

Polish the tortoise
Amble in love.

Emerge out of the blue
On four legs and tail too,

Step slowly as forgiver,
Father, fitter, lover,

By balance my day foretold
On my back the world,

Daily a doable walk
In search of the lettuce stalk,

Oft idle, to rest, to turn
To stop, to learn:

From hare who forgiveness begs
Ears between his legs,

From healing in hearing
The jackal in the garden

Immediately pull in
Safe in my skin

And talk from inside
‘Til safe to confide

My inner eagle eye
Sees from on high

A compass like creature
Pointing to a green future

Resting in love’s embrace
In sleep there’s no race

At night bathe in calm
Or sleep in her arms

To awake anew
Again out of the blue

Polish the tortoise
Amble in love

Theme for 2010

Jamie Coats     February 2010

Posted in Nature, Poems, Theme for 2010, Theme for the Year | Comments closed
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