Category Archives: Theme for 2025

Back to the Garden, A Prophecy

1. The Peacock in the Garden | A Prayer of Oblation 2. The Garden in Brazil | A Daily Office 3. Are You The Gardener? | A “Holy Week”

Also posted in Horror & Terror, Love, Nature, Poems | 1 Response

Are you the Gardener?

The sun has just risen,Eve is shaking me,“Are you okay?”I am in a cold sweatHead to toe,I am having heart palpitations,I am sobbing.“I had a vision.” “There’s a new emperor,He givesA vicious order,His soldiers kill him.New Rome now turnsInto a fire ball,I feel a million people die,My heart can’t cope.” “Oh sweetie, I love you.”Eve […]

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The Garden in Brazil 

This Morning After a nightmareI can’t change,I awoke in a gardenIn love with Eve And the snake,Savouring the apple,Trusting my intuition. Together at NoonTotally pursuing Pinnacle power,Finding enough to make A mass difference,Loving the hard work,Building not pyramids But Jerusalem. This EveningEve and I,Stepping out to celebrate,Issue an invitation: Come friends and family And strangers unknown,Let us go dancing On a carnival date. […]

Also posted in Grief & Wonder, Horror & Terror, Love, Nature, Poems, Prayer | Comments closed

The Peacock in the Garden

Loitering,I shriek out a striking call Shimmering,I fan out my feathers  Warning,I array my eyespots  Alarming,I count human bad luck   Dazzling, I display my being Winning, I convince her  Inspiring, Let’s do something Beautiful together! A Prayer of Oblation Back to the Garden, A Prophecy | 1. The Peacock in the Garden | 2. The Garden in […]

Also posted in Grief & Wonder, Love, Nature, Poems, Prayer, Theme for the Year | Comments closed
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