Please read like a psalm and pause at each selah (asterisk) * Slowly we breathe, Slowly we breathe Slowly we breathe Slowly we breathe Slowly we breathe, Slowly we breathe, Slowly we breathe, Slowly we breathe, Slowly we breathe, Slowly we breathe, May we become this psalm of change, amen. I am grateful to Lillie […]
Category Archives: Episcopal
“What do you do?” – Sermon on the Widow’s Mite
“What do you do?” Sermon on The Widow’s Mite For Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Little Rock Arkansas By Jamie Coats For Audio click here November 8th 2015 Readings: 1 Kings 17:8-16, Psalm 146, Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark 12:28-44 References: Luke 14:28-30, Mark 12:17 Thank you for inviting me to your beautiful cathedral to reflect on the Widow’s […]
The Man in the Noon
I rode Pegasus all morn, Could have ridden all day, Instead at noon We gently come in to graze. Emma said the Lord of the Manor Will say unto you, “Work for me You’ll be fed from my dovecote Eggs and young fledglings that coo.” Emma taught me to reply, “You’ll not want me to […]
Speech given at Christ Church Cathedral on Thursday 29th January 2015 at the FORMA Conference The Evensong of Humpty Dumpty By Jamie Coats Humpty Dumpty sat on the harbor wall. In Pigeon Cove Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty back together again! […]
Sermon on The Transfiguration of Jesus
SERMON For Saint John’s Episcopal Church Beverly Farms, Massachusetts The Transfiguration of Jesus By Jamie Coats March 2nd, 2014 Last Sunday after Epiphany Readings: Exodus 24:12-18, 2 Peter 1:16-21, Matthew 17:1-9, Psalm 99 Reference: Luke 9:37-43 Thank you for inviting me to your beautiful church to reflect on the Transfiguration. I bring you greetings from […]
No Word of God
“I am so happy,” said the Devil. “People rarely use the word “Evil.” Or words of God so beautiful, Crafted to be so prayerful.” “That hateful wonder, the holy Liturgy, Vanishes as people talk on their own authority. Linguistic worship reduced to Sunday, They chuck it out every weekday.” “Who’s left […]
Our Newborn Joy
A word, softly spoken Impregnates our busy lives Swelling the recollection We are already loved. A prayer for Advent Jamie Coats December 2012
Glimpse of Light
A door slams, locking us in the dark. The handle spins uselessly in our grasp. We see a tiny cross-shaped eye hole, We catch a glimpse of light. Keep looking, light dissolves the door, We will step from darkness into light.